1KW-10KW Home 12v guhêrbar pv guhêrbara rojê ji bo ac yek qonax ac guhêrbar yek qonax
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Telecom DC 48V 10000 Watt inverter 10KVA is a new generation of dual input inverter solution designed for the field of communication applications, ku ji bo pêbaweriya bilind a pergala ragihandinê minasib e. The solution is equipped with a 110V/220V/230V AC power supply and a 110V DC power supply, which fills the gap between the traditional UPS power supply and common 2400W pure sine wave inverter solutions.

  • 12/220-1000MW
  • 12/220-2000MW

Têkilî Niha Wekî PDF-ê dakêşin
Detail Product
Lêpirsîn Naha

Panel LCD display graphical representation instruction
1.1LCD display and function keys interface can display the equipment working status, wekî: input / voltaja derketinê, pircarînî, moda torê, moda inverter, kapasîteya pîlê, kapasîteya barkirinê, alarm warning etc.

The horizontal small pure sine wave inverter outputs a sine wave alternating current, which is the same as or even better than the grid we use daily. in short. Pure sine wave inverters can provide high-quality AC and efficiency. High-stability pure sine wave output, high-frequency technology, size biçûk, easy to carry, can drive most loads (such as household air conditioners, refrigerators, soymilk and other inductive load appliances) without interference

Guide ①-- Fan ②-- AC input/output termianl ③--AC input/output fuse holder ④--RS232 communication interface(optional function) ⑤--Battery terminal negative input terminal ⑥-- Battery terminal positive terminal ⑦-- Earth terminal



Ji 1-10KW HÊZA QADÊ TÊKILIYÊ re minasib e
1. Stasyona Telekomê / bingeh / Amûrên kabloyê
2. Îstgeha Ragihandinê.
3. Navenda daneya kompîturê
4. Tora SCADA û Amûrên Daneyê
5. Bingeha telefonê / hucreyê
6. Stasyonên bingehîn ên Radyoyê / Malperên Hucreyê
7. Odeya navenda çavdêriyê
8.Amûra WIFI ya bajêr
9. Otomobîla pêwendiya acîl
10. Railway & metro
11. Sîstemên Antenna Belavkirin
12. Marine & deryayê
13. Pergalên Rêveberiya Avahîsaziyê
14. Sîstemên Alarm Agir
15. karûbarên hêzê Kontrola pergalê / zeviyê
16. santrala/santrala elektrîkê
17.Pergala çavdêriya hêzê
18.Sîstema hêza rojê
19.Sîstema enerjiya bayê

Avantajên Product

Double CPU intelligent control technology, excellent performance
● The grid mode/energy-saving mode/battery mode could be set, application flexible
● Charge current/battery type could be set, convenient and practical
● Intelligent fan control, safe and reliable
● Pure sine wave AC output, and be adapt to all kinds of loads;
● LCD display equipment parameter in real-time, operation status be clear at a glance
● Output overload, short circuit protection, various of automatic protection and alarm warning;

If you have some problems about 1KW-8KW Home 24v 12v inverter pv solar inverter to ac single phase ac single phase 15kw rack inverter, an jî dixwazin bêtir agahdarî li ser Rack mount Telecom Inverter bizanibin,Pergala Rakera Telekomê,Mala Pure Sine Wave Inverter,Solar MPPT INVERTER,DC bo DC converter, etc. Bi xweşî hatî ferhenga me!

Li hêviya lêpirsîna we !


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