48Vdc &220Vdc Modular parallel inverter Without Battery Pure Sine Wave Inverter 3kw Modular Inverter
Through conversion on the input DC power, the Pure Sine inverter offers users stable and Non-distorted AC power. In case of a power failure in business places, it offers key devices the power of flexible output voltage and frequency.
Ji 1-10KW HÊZA QADÊ TÊKILIYÊ re minasib e
1. Stasyona Telekomê / bingeh / Amûrên kabloyê
2. Îstgeha Ragihandinê.
3. Navenda daneya kompîturê
4. Tora SCADA û Amûrên Daneyê
5. Bingeha telefonê / hucreyê
6. Stasyonên bingehîn ên Radyoyê / Malperên Hucreyê
7. Odeya navenda çavdêriyê
8.Amûra WIFI ya bajêr
9. Otomobîla pêwendiya acîl
10. Railway & metro
11. Sîstemên Antenna Belavkirin
12. Marine & deryayê
13. Pergalên Rêveberiya Avahîsaziyê
14. Sîstemên Alarm Agir
15. karûbarên hêzê Kontrola pergalê / zeviyê
16. santrala/santrala elektrîkê
17.Pergala çavdêriya hêzê
18.Sîstema hêza rojê
19.Sîstema enerjiya bayê
◆Digital control: It adopts 32-bit DSP full digital and high-frequency SPWM technology, featuring strong anti-interference ability, fast calculation speed, high intelligence, accurate control precision and pure output waveform.
◆N+1 parallel redundant design: It can form an N+1 parallel redundant power supply system. The modules are backup each other, with high reliability and flexible configuration.
◆No master-slave parallel technology: The operation and parallel connection of each module are independently controlled by the built-in DSP, no single point of failure, independent flow between modules.
◆With hot plugging: no need to do any parameter setting and operation, plug and play, the module automatically enters the normal working state, maintenance and replacement is simple and fast.
◆ Module built-in bypass: Users can choose inverter priority or bypass priority.
◆Monitoring management: indicator panel, fault sound and light alarm, RS485 communication interface and fault dry contact.
◆Protection function: It has the functions of input over-voltage, hilberîna zêde-voltaja, germahiya zêde, short-circuit and so on.
◆High power density: 1/2 19〞 width design, the volume is only half the width of the conventional inverter, saving space and convenient parallel.
Heke di derbarê DC 48V de hin pirsgirêkên we hene 10000 Watt inverter 10KVA pêla safî ya sine hêza guhêrbar a telekomê 4U rack mount inverter, an jî dixwazin bêtir agahdarî li ser Rack mount Telecom Inverter bizanibin,Pergala Rakera Telekomê,Mala Pure Sine Wave Inverter,Solar MPPT INVERTER,DC bo DC converter, etc. Bi xweşî hatî ferhenga me!
Li hêviya lêpirsîna we !